The Key to Free Yourself from Your Inner Strict Parent (Part 3)
The Key to Free Yourself from Your Inner Strict Parent (Part 2)
The Key to Free Yourself from Your Inner Strict Parent (Part 1)
Unleash Your Energy Through Pruning Your Life
The Unexpected Answer to Your Health Struggles
Your Health Isn’t Just About You
Our world needs you! Together we face stark realities as we turn towards and embrace our collective planetary future. In this time of rapid change with so much challenge and complexity, each of us in every moment is playing our part in directing life's unfolding. I...
Standing in the Fire of Commitment
I'm in the early phases of writing my first book and am finding it to be an incredibly transformative cauldron, revealing all of my patterns of distraction, resistance, and overwhelm. I've been cooking in the fears and insecurities, boiling them down and finding...
Walking a Path of Ease
I was out walking today and some words popped into my mind with instant clarity. I often experience this when I'm walking. Something frees up in the movement, and creative insights and direction for my life and work seem to crystallize out of nowhere. The words today...
No More Waiting
We all know the feeling of avoidance, how we ignore the repeated nagging and nudges to take an action, to face something we're afraid of, to step into the discomfort. And we all know the inertia of resistance, how it can sometimes feel like we're trying to take a...
Falling in Love with Transitions
I went on a walk recently with a newly licensed physician friend who was feeling some disillusionment about her chosen profession and generally feeling lost in life. And I found myself sharing with her how I have grown to love the territory of transition. Not...