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Women's Circles

Virtual Group Coaching for Women Longing to Renew Together through Burnout, Loss, & Life Transitions and Menopause & Midlife

We are in an epidemic of loneliness. 

So many of us are yearning for deep communion. For safe spaces where we can be our glorious and messy selves.
Where we can lovingly explore our complexities, hear the stories of others 
going through similar experiences, and realize that we are not alone. 

Groups are places for us to come alive.

They are a place for us to connect, to see and be seen, and to hold each other during these difficult phases of life. 

We are relational creatures. We need community.
  • When we join others on an intentional healing path, we also learn about what might support us on our journey.
  • Our stuck places relax and our vulnerabilities shift when we’re held in a safe, contained, intimate, and confidential healing group.
  • We start to build self-trust, integrity, and courage when we bring forward what is ready to be healed. We step into a life of more vitality.
Women’s Circles offer the deep intimacy of a community.
They are a safe space to explore, heal, and discover what’s next in your life.
Dr. Deborah creates welcoming spaces to explore
intense challenges and disorienting transitions. 

She does this while holding the possibility of profound personal transformation, resilient well-being, and embodied compassion, allowing clients to discover an authentic path to greater alignment.

Menopause & Midlife

Starting November 7, 2024  Virtual Group Coaching
Thursdays 9:15-10:30am PT 

Menopause / Perimenopause is an often invisible transition in our culture, yet it is a huge transformation and shift into a new identity. This virtual women’s circle is not about treatments or physical support but about the emotional, psychological, and spiritual transitions that accompany midlife: loss of identity, loss of fertility, mood swings, and maneuvering into what’s next.

Join Dr. Deborah Zucker, as she facilitates group coaching sessions for women going through midlife and all that comes with this transformative time. 

Renew Together: Emerging from Burnout, Loss, & Life Transitions

Winter 2025  Virtual Group Coaching

Are you being called to a rebirth of sorts? Maybe you’ve recently been brought to your knees by life. You know it’s time to shed an old identity and let go of what no longer serves you. But you’re feeling scared, anxious, and alone, as you try to find your way through the dark and liminal spaces of who you are becoming.

Join Dr. Deborah Zucker, as she facilitates group coaching sessions for women going through transitions and walk this journey of becoming with others who understand the level of bravery, courage and strength it takes to truly discover who you are and the life you are here to live.

Meet Dr. Deborah Zucker 

Naturopathic Physician, Health Coach, Mental Health Counselor, Author and Founder of Vital Medicine

Hello and Welcome!

Gathering and facilitating groups of women going through transitional times in their lives is the center of my passion and essence. I’m here to cultivate a community for women to explore what is present in their lives, who they are, what they need, what brings them more vitality, and how they want to invest their life energy so they get the greatest returns.

When we come together, healing happens exponentially. As members of the group bring forward their challenges and share their stories, communal learning takes place allowing us to explore and discover the next steps. We witness each other, yet somehow see ourselves with more clarity, knowing our challenges aren’t as isolating as we thought and that we are in fact, deeply supported.

I’ve experienced deep and transformative healing by being a part of groups. I’ve been seen and held, let down my guard, and showed my messy, wounded, and complex self. Being a part of healing groups was a pivotal part of my life, and I’m now dedicated to creating these healing spaces for others. 

When women are shifting from one stage to another, they often bump up against deep identity issues and existentialism.

I help women move from who they have been to who they are becoming. Group coaching can be a vital part of that healing journey.

I love helping women step into everything they are and live with more wonder, energy, and ease. It’s my greatest passion to share this journey towards profound well-being with you.

My Credentials

  • Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (2008), Bastyr University
  • Master in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (2020), Southern Oregon University
  • Award-winning author of The Vitality Map: A Guide to Deep Health, Joyful Self-Care, and Resilient Well-Being (2016)
  • Aletheia Master Coaching Program – Level 1 (2023-24)
  • Adjunct faculty, Bastyr University’s Naturopathic Medicine & Counseling and Health Psychology departments (2009-2012)
  • Graduate and past mentor of the Generating Transformative Change program in Integral Leadership, Pacific Integral
  • Affiliate staff member, Rites of Passage Vision Quest
  • Licensed massage practitioner (2004-2013), Brenneke School of Massage
  • Certified Wilderness EMT (1995-2001) and Wilderness First Responder (2001-2019)

This is my work in the world…I help women cross the threshold to the next version of themselves.  

I help women see that they are not alone and that there is tremendous healing and support available through nature, community, and skilled professionals who have walked the path. 

How it Works

  • This is an ongoing Women’s Circle. We meet virtually each week for 1.25 hours in a group of 6-8 women.
  • There is an initial commitment of 3 months to ensure group safety and consistency, with the opportunity for long-term community engagement.
  • Any transitions in the group membership are done with an intentional, transparent process.
  • All new potential members have an initial discovery call followed by an intake session with Dr. Deborah.
  • Cost is $75/session, paid monthly, plus any 1:1 sessions booked with Dr. Deborah (including intake and closure).

Please know that you can accomplish radically positive shifts with fewer tears and less effort than you think.

I’d be honored to support you, wherever you are in life’s journey.

If you’re curious about how group coaching can support you,
schedule your free, 20-minute discovery consultation.
We’ll explore what’s present in your life and which group could be the best fit for you.

Share your details below to download
Dr. Deborah's free audio class,
Introduction to The Vitality Map.

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Download the 9 Keys to Deep Vitality

Pop in your details to unlock the 9 Keys that have helped countless women learn to nourish a deeper relationship with themselves, where they feel at home, authentic, vibrant, confident, and alive.