Our world needs you! Together we face stark realities as we turn towards and embrace our collective planetary future. In this time of rapid change with so much challenge and complexity, each of us in every moment is playing our part in directing life’s unfolding.

I know you know this, dear reader, as you are out there in the world working in your own way to be a part of a positive future, contributing what you can, and continuing to expand your own capacities and conscious awareness to serve even more. Whether you identify with it or not, you are part of a growing movement of change-makers, visionaries, and conscious entrepreneurs, people who are waking up to feel empowered to co-create a thriving future for us all.

This is an invitation and a call to action for all of us to consciously cultivate the foundation in ourselves that we need to serve the world.

While the impulse to contribute and give of ourselves is genuine and honorable, most of us do so in a way which is unconsciously disconnected from an orientation of personal sustainability.  We take substances to help us get through the day.  We limit our sleep.  We sacrifice the things that we most love in order to be of service. And some of us even run ourselves into the ground to the point that we have no choice but to stop and rest. There is nothing sustainable about any of this.

Even if we are actively trying to be healthy, most of us struggle a great deal with our capacity to truly care for ourselves. Shame and confusion intertwine with avoidance and self-sabotage.  We constantly relate with our long mental lists of all the things we are supposed to be doing to be healthy, getting spun around by the perpetually changing theories of what is the right diet, exercise routine, supplements to take, etc.  Regardless of whether we assess that we are doing a good job with it all, the inner strain is there.  We push and pull with ourselves, trying to rally and manage our bodies and beings, or give up and create intricate justifications that swirl amidst our shame.  No one is immune to this.  And, it’s crazy making!

We’ve come to accept as normal an undeniably unhealthy orientation to what we call “health.”

I know these patterns intimately as I spun down into severe debilitating chronic fatigue in my mid-twenties while living and working at a sustainability education center. Everything had to stop.  And it took me many years of going through my own painful journey of chronic illness, repeating unconscious patterns in relation to my own self-care, to awaken to a whole new territory and foundation to health and life – a foundation that is grounded in the sacred and in service to our individual, collective, and planetary flourishing.   

I want us to shake off the crazy paradigms in which we live.

The cultural norms in which we are embedded have us so wound up and disconnected from our essence, from what it means to be alive, from what is even possible to experience in our vitality.  Our expectations have become so boxed up.  We live into the illnesses we expect.  We age in the way that we think we are supposed to.  We take jobs that fit the idea of what it means to be a successful man or woman.

It’s time to change the conversation, to invite a new language of health, a new reality for us all individually and collectively to live into. I’m calling for a wholism of embodiment, for an awakened way of engaging with and moving through our lives that is rooted in the sacred. I’m inviting us all to make the conscious choice to do what it takes to really show up for ourselves and for all of us.

We can all spin endlessly in the details of all the techniques, tips, and tools to be healthy, but until we address what is going on underneath that, at the foundational level of our relationship with ourselves and life, we will forever be spinning and will be disconnected from our potential to truly flourish in life, individually and as a human family.

I’m interested in guiding us all in revolutionizing our health and life starting at the foundation, to cultivate the deepest most authentic, awake relationship that we are able to have with life itself.

Your health isn’t just about you.

This is about the long haul.  For you, and for all of us.

We need you to be here flourishing as you.  We need you to invest in cultivating an intimate and empowered foundation to how you live, relate, breathe, and serve.  No one else on this planet but you can make that happen.  And we are all relying on you to do that, for each of us to do that for ourselves.

True service is rooted in nourishing and stewarding your own body and being into your most alive, vital version of you, so that you can unleash your unique creative life force on the world.

Let us all thrive in life, so that we may serve in life.


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