What is it that really matters to you in life?

When you drop into the tender vulnerable parts of yourself what do you most yearn for?

I really want to know.

To me these truths within are the key to it all… the key to vitality, to intimacy, to a life of depth, meaning, and conscious presence. Aligning with these truths is what brings you alive!

I can’t tell you how often I hear from clients that their lives feel chaotic… that they feel like they are going through the motions just trying to get things done… that they are exhausted and burnt out.

They don’t know how they got so off track and disconnected from what really matters to them, and yet they have.

To me the symptoms I experience in my health journey are like blessed messengers. They are feedback pointing towards an opening for greater presence and attunement in my life. They guide me to take stock and assess how I am investing my life energy right now.

I have this one brief life. How can I choose to more fully support myself in living with vital aliveness?

I see it all the time with myself and with my clients. We can focus all we want on the symptoms and try to get rid of them, yet until we fully acknowledge what they are really pointing towards the symptoms will never go away. Sure it might seem like it, but the reality is that they will simply change form. The rash may turn into loose stools, the migraines into insomnia, the depression into anxiety.

That’s not to say that it is always so complex, or that it is pointless to try to make ourselves feel better if we are in pain or discomfort. I am not meaning that at all.

Instead I am pointing towards what often goes unacknowledged… that there is a deeper level of healing calling to us all.

Consider this an invitation, for you, me and all of us to drop beneath the surface, to have the courage to face and relate directly with the truths within.

Our inner wisdom knows what brings us alive. It knows what nourishes us. It knows what we most intimately yearn for and desire. It knows the gifts we are here to bring. It knows who we are uniquely here to be.

This deeper territory is the true ground of health.

Will you join me there?


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