The transition from 2016 to 2017 is feeling especially poignant to me, and I headed out on the land for a “vision walk” today

It is a ritual I like to do at the New Year to consciously acknowledge the opportunity for creative renewal and healing in the midst of the transition.

I took these questions with me as I walked the trail: 

  • What celebrations do I have from this last year?
  • What have I learned?
  • What am I ready to release and let go of now? 
  • What am I ready to more fully own and take responsibility for? 
  • What is it that I am intentionally and creatively inviting into my life now? 
  • What and who will nourish and support me as I take the steps to more fully align with the woman I am here to be and the gifts I am here to bring forth?

This year, perhaps more than ever before, I am feeling my personal journey so intertwined with that of our collective. What I have the courage to open to and step into in my own life feels to me to be so inextricably linked with the unfolding of our human family. 

Perhaps it is the gravity I feel of this time in our country and on our planet. Perhaps it is a reflection of the potency of what is transpiring in my own path. Yet, something in me feels like it is dissolving, opening, and awakening, and I feel our interconnections in such a personal way.

Can you relate to any of this?

If so I hope that the questions I shared may spark a ritual of your own to mark your journey through the portal of this New Year.

I would love to hear from you. Please share below how these words and this transition into 2017 are touching you.

And as always let me know how I can be of support to you as you bring your intentions to life.

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