Wilderness Soul Quest

A Retreat of Renewal and Transformation
  • Are you ready to feel renewed, clarified, and aligned with your life journey?
  • Do you long to reconnect with the natural world in a deep, intimate way?
  • Are you brimming with potential transformation, just waiting to emerge?

Engaging deep personal inquiry and transformation can be challenging within the momentum of “normal life” and all its responsibilities and distractions.  We can easily become fatigued, burnt out, and even feel like a stranger in our own bodies and lives.  Consciously creating the space for yourself to reconnect to your deepest truth is a radical act of love that ripples through your entire community and beyond.

Please join us for this unique opportunity to experience deep healing and transformation in a beautiful natural setting.

Imagine …

… feeling centered, whole, and connected with your true nature
… feeling awake, alive, and able to relax into whatever arises
… prioritizing what truly matters to you, with clear eyes and open heart
… having all the vital energy you need to show up and share your gifts.

The nurturing and gentle guidance provided from Deborah provides a portal into your soul. If you want to know what your heart desires, what your soul craves and the dreams that are waiting to be realized, I highly recommend trying this Soul Quest.
Diane Lippman

Hi, I’m Dr. Deborah Zucker.  I’m offering this Wilderness Soul Quest in collaboration with Rites of Passage to weave together the power of the wilderness with the deeply therapeutic vision quest model.  I’ve guided wilderness journeys for many years and am continually astonished by nature’s power for reflecting and nurturing our vitality — as well as clarifying our purpose, awakening our truest selves, and encouraging deeply profound transformation.

Be held by the healing power of Nature.  Be led by a skilled guide.

My own medical and wilderness trainings make me a skilled guide through this rich, deep territory — yet what most qualifies me is my own journey through chronic illness and personal transformation.  I’ve come out the other side of a profound evolution with an intimate knowledge of the ups and downs of the healing path — as well as a deep devotion to serving others through transitions.

I hold a gentle, supportive group space that both serves you as an individual and cultivates intimacy within the group.  My approach cuts straight to the heart of things — in a loving, deeply nourishing way.

Deborah’s compassion is palpable and her reflections intuitive… A wonderful experience. Highly recommended for anyone with life questions.
Dr. Evan Hirsch, MD

Integrative Functional Medicine Physician

Join us for 3 days and walk away …
  • Feeling like you’ve come back home to yourself
  • Refreshed, awakened, nourished, and vitally alive
  • Clear-headed and grounded as your next steps reveal themselves
  • Confident, trusting, and relaxed amidst the unknown and discomfort of transformation
  • Aligned with your greater purpose and service in life
  • Embracing all of who you are
  • Honoring your shadows and wounds as gifts to be shared
  • Reconnected to your true nature, within and without

Experience all that’s possible when you reconnect to yourself, your community, and the healing power of the wilderness

What to Expect:

We’ll gather together for 3 days in a beautiful mountain camp. We’ll take a deep breath in our lives. We’ll reconnect with the natural world and experience how it reflects our vitality and innate wisdom.  We’ll open to new ways of perceiving and listening. We’ll deepen our presence with ourselves, the wild nature that holds us, and our little community.

  • Day One:  We’ll join as a group and set the stage, clarify our intentions, and answer questions. We’ll explore the powerful perspectives of the indigenous medicine wheel model and learn how it can clarify our journeys.
  • Day Two:  We’ll wake at dawn and begin personal solo retreats. You’ll spend the day alone and return at dusk to rejoin the group.  We’ll feast and share stories of how we were moved, what we sensed, and what revealed itself to us that day. Your guide, Dr. Deborah, will mirror your journey back to you and offer inquiries to clarify and ground your experience.
  • Day Three:  We’ll continue to deepen our insights and integrate all we’ve learned. We’ll examine the wisdom our quest offered us and prepare to return to our day-to-day realities.
  • Follow-up:  This isn’t simply a weekend of peak experiences that fades: this experience will shift your path and continue working on you long after. One month after the program we’ll reconvene for a group conference call to support your integration and keep the transformation alive.
Dr. Deborah’s gentle, holistic, accepting style of holding a diverse group throughout powerful transformation is a rare find. She models a level of true calm, as well as trust in herself, her participants, and in nature that gives me faith in what can be accomplished in the world when people in leadership positions have made the commitment to their own health, wellbeing, and vitality on all levels. I would highly recommend heading out into the woods with Dr. Deborah!
Jeanell Innerarity, LMP, HP

Relax — All the details are taken care of…

Deborah has an amazing capacity to guide people through their challenges and confusions in life. Held in a beautiful setting, this experience helped me drop more completely into myself, to see more clearly what energies I’m working with in my life, and to identify tools that will support my integration process. Not only would I recommend Soul Quest to anyone looking for guidance through a life transformation, I would specifically recommend Deborah as your guide. She’s a role model, mentor, and rockstar in my book!
Gayle Livingston

This program is designed to meet you wherever you are. Whether you’re in the middle of a transformation, just entering or coming out of one, or simply need a “time out” in your routine — simply show up as you are.

Bring your willingness (and the basic supplies on the packing list), and everything else is taken care of. No prior camping experience is necessary — this is not a backpacking trip!

You’ll be gently guided the entire time so you can stay within your own inquiry and healing.

Wholesome meals are lovingly prepared. Experiential exercises guide and deepen your process. You’ll deepen into your own inquiry during your solo retreat. And you’ll share your story, be witnessed, and enjoy the depth and clarity that can only come from community reflection.

Dates + Details

When: Stay tuned for the next dates.

Where:  Stay tuned for the new location.

$350. Your tuition includes all camping fees as well as lunch and dinner on Saturday, dinner on Sunday, and breakfast and lunch on Monday. You will be invited to fast from sunrise to sunset on Sunday.

Participants: The Wilderness Soul Quest is limited to 8 participants.

This program is a collaboration between Vital Medicine and Rites of Passage, a non-profit organization that has been guiding people on transformative wilderness journeys for 35 years.

Already have a group?

I’m happy to facilitate a private Soul Quest program for your community.  
Contact me to set up the details.

Great way to sink into myself, attune to nature and learn/grow/gain insights and set intentions in a way that will live on. Deborah’s support and facilitation were smooth, rich, and inspiring. Well done! I feel a lightness and forward leaning energy welling up in me. Ready to dive into and take on all that lies in front of me.
David Ketter

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